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Judge Us feat. Christoph von Freydorf

Download our new EP for free: http://bye-default.de/

This song is dedicated to the campaign „FAUST HOCH“ Stereo Dynamite stands for tolerance, diversity and openness. We love making music, but furthermore, we love getting to know new people, places and different cultures. The AfD seems to support the very opposite, they disunite our society and stir up fear and hate.
– Stereo Dynamite

It’s not a border on a map, it’s not a barrier like a wall. It is the routine in your head, education built to fall. It’s not the words you use, it’s the meaning behind. An open mind can see, an empty head stays blind. It’s not a mindset from the start, this was planted in your days. Can you look into the future, will you see a lonely face? Please take your two steps back, while we leave you behind. Open hearts refine, the empty wait in line. How dare you judge us for being different when you stand alone? How dare you hate us for being everything you wanted when you never had the strength to be yourself. Some day you will see: your anger is a dead end street. Some day you will see that it is „us”, not „you and me“. THANKS Christian Wasmer on cameras and Christoph for killing it as a guest vocalist!

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